Why render your home

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Why render your home

Why render your home

A huge num­ber of prop­er­ties in the UK are ren­dered – the ren­der used on the prop­er­ties can ful­fil many roles includ­ing the fol­low­ing:

  • Pro­tect­ing under­ly­ing brick­work
  • Cre­ate an attrac­tive façade on an ugly prop­erty
  • Tying sev­eral dif­fer­ent build­ing mate­ri­als types together

In the past, the mate­ri­als typ­i­cally used to ren­der a prop­erty con­sisted of sand and cement. The ben­e­fit of sand and cement was that it was incred­i­bly strong – the issue though was that despite being tough, the older sand and cement ren­ders lacked flex­i­bil­ity.

Old render often cracks!

Now back in the day, one of the major rea­sons for peo­ple get­ting their homes ren­dered was to pro­tect the under­ly­ing, aging brick work from the ele­ments. One of the biggest prob­lems with older prop­er­ties though is that they move – the expand in the sum­mer and shrink in the win­ter. The move­ment of the build­ing annoy­ingly resulted in crack­ing and so water could sud­denly find its way behind the ren­der. This sadly then causes the old sand and cement ren­der to flake / fall off leav­ing an unat­trac­tive façade and one that does noth­ing to ful­fil the roles it was intended to do!

Good news – modern day renders are flexible

There is good news though, mod­ern day ren­ders are com­pletely flex­i­ble so they don’t suf­fer in the same way as the old sand and cement ren­ders when the build­ing moves through­out the year. The addi­tion of a flex­i­ble rein­force­ment layer is a crit­i­cal com­po­nent of all mod­ern day ren­ders so when speak­ing to ren­der installers make sure the sys­tem being used incor­po­rates this impor­tant fea­ture.

Nowa­days as well, ren­der installers like our­selves can pro­duce a huge num­ber of dif­fer­ent fin­ishes and styles with the ren­der. We can pro­vide end­less ren­der colours, dif­fer­ent grain sizes, even peb­ble dash (if the 70s style is your thing!). We can now even offer flex­i­ble brick slips if you don’t want to lose the feel of the brick on your home. These acrylic brick slips bear a strik­ing resem­blance to real bricks and so even if your home is cov­ered in peb­ble dash and you want to bring it back to its for­mer brick glory – these are the answer.

Looking for a quality render installer

One of the most impor­tant things to con­sider is the qual­ity of the installers, remem­ber that the ren­der is typ­i­cally just mil­lime­tres thick – so if the installer doesn’t get a per­fectly smooth fin­ish you can tell! All our ren­der­ers are qual­i­fied to install mul­ti­ple colour ren­dered sys­tems, although cur­rently we tend to install the EWI Pro sys­tem, which we find works very well and our cus­tomers tend to agree with the results!

Re-render your home with Be Constructive

In addi­tion, our installers install ren­der and solid wall insu­la­tion under the PAS2030 frame­work. This qual­ity man­age­ment sys­tem ensures that not only the whole install process runs smoothly from start to fin­ish, it also allows us to self-cer­tify our installs with build­ing con­trol – mean­ing no fur­ther scheme fees or assess­ment.

So there you have it, if you want to re-ren­der your home with or with­out the insu­la­tion com­po­nent then Be Con­struc­tive is the com­pany for you. We have thou­sands of happy cus­tomers all over the South East so it is highly likely you will be able to see some of our work with­out going too far.

If you are inter­ested in get­ting a quote for ren­der or a quote for solid wall insu­la­tion fill in the form below and we will be in touch shortly.


We have teamed up with EWI Pro to help provide homeowners with an approved and recommended installer network across the UK. EWI Pro are one of the UK’s leading render manufacturers and our experiences with them have always been extremely positive. They have excellent technical support and a vast array of quality products. Their list of approved and recommended installers are specialists, so by choosing one of them to complete your project, you can be assured that the work and the materials installed on your property will be to the highest standard.

If you are looking for an approved or recommended EWI Pro installer, please send an inquiry by filling in your details on the form provided!.

    Unsure of what materials you require?

    Use our EWI solid wall insulation materials calculator to calculate exactly what materials you will need for a particular job.

    EWI Pro Training Academy

    We are delighted to announce we have partnered with the EWI Pro Training Academy in Aylesbury to bring you a series of professional installer training courses.

    We have 6 unique courses to choose from, each targeting a different area of the External Wall Insulation installation process.The training courses are completed over the course of a half-day or full day, and installers will receive an EWI Pro certificate upon completion.

    Why this programme?

    The EWI Pro Training courses are designed with an all-round approach to learning. You will be given the chance to learn about installing EWI systems through a mixture of classroom and practical, hands-on training.

    This programme also allows you to learn from experienced EWI professionals with years of industry experience. This way, you will leave the course equipped with the most relevant skills.

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