Good solid wall Insulation installer?

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Good solid wall insulation installer

Good solid wall insulation installer

One of the most con­fus­ing aspects of receiv­ing mul­ti­ple quotes from installers is the price vari­a­tion. Why should installer A be ‘x’ amount cheaper than installer B?

Well there are the obvi­ous costs of mate­ri­als and where they are sourced. Installer A may get their mate­ri­als directly from the fac­tory, whereas installer B may have to go through a mid­dle­man. Obvi­ously if you can use installer A in this case it would be bet­ter since you get the mate­ri­als cheaper but this shouldn’t fac­tor into the qual­ity of the install.

At Silicone Render company, we source our solid wall insu­la­tion mate­ri­als directly from the sup­plier in uk and  Ger­many!


It is more impor­tant how­ever, to look beyond just the price the installer can source the solid wall mate­ri­als; you then need to con­sider the processes and tech­niques they use when they install the sys­tem on your home!

Even if the high­est qual­ity mate­ri­als are used when your exter­nal solid wall insu­la­tion sys­tem is installed, the over­all per­for­mance can be hin­dered if the insu­la­tion isn’t installed cor­rectly. Insu­la­tion applied with­out fol­low­ing the insu­la­tion guide can result in the sys­tem fail­ing; this might lead to dam­age on the façade and other areas.

So things to con­sider when you do your home­work on installers include whether they bury gas pipes and leave the insu­la­tion open? Are snag­ging aspects left for months? Do they use durable mate­ri­als with breath­able fin­ishes? All of these are vital for the solid wall insu­la­tion sys­tem, and there­fore just because one installer might be cheaper, it doesn’t mean that they are the best bet.

One of the most dan­ger­ous aspects of exter­nal solid wall insu­la­tion is bury­ing gas pipes. Many installers do this, as extend­ing them and mov­ing the pipes actu­ally costs quite a lot and adds time and money onto the job. Like­wise soil pipes should always be removed and reat­tached, while boiler flues should also be extended to pro­trude out past the insu­la­tion.

At Be Con­struc­tive we don’t believe in cut­ting cor­ners – there­fore we take the time to extend these gas pipes to ensure that they are never buried. In addi­tion, all soil pipes / gut­ter­ing / boiler flues are treated in the cor­rect man­ner.

One of the other issues with solid wall insu­la­tion is cold bridg­ing.

What exactly is cold bridging?

cold bridge

This is when the insu­la­tion is not con­sis­tent across the whole of the sur­face that is due to be insu­lated and there­fore it will be an area of sig­nif­i­cant heat loss, imag­ine for exam­ple using 20mm insu­la­tion instead of the 100mm EPS insu­la­tion that we nor­mally use just in a small area. The issue here is that not only would heat loss be higher through the 20mm area, on the inside of the prop­erty, this could be an area where con­den­sa­tion occurs.

At External Wal Insulation company, we ensure that the solid wall insu­la­tion is applied cor­rectly across every sur­face that requires insu­la­tion. This includes every­thing from the dow­els to the mechan­i­cal fix­ings and the cills to the pipework. When apply­ing the mechan­i­cal fix­ings, we cut away a sec­tion of the EPS in order to care­fully apply­ing the fix­ings. Then, using pre-cut sec­tions, the holes are plugged with EPS to avoid any cold bridg­ing. Many installers cut costs by ham­mer­ing in the mechan­i­cal fix­ings, which causes irrepara­ble dam­age to the EPS.

Fin­ished exter­nal solid wall insu­la­tion might look really good once the ren­der is applied, but it is impor­tant that you use an expe­ri­enced installer of solid wall insu­la­tion, to ensure there is suf­fi­cient time to dry and set, we find many installers rush through the instal­la­tion in order to cut costs. So while the end result might look good for a few days or weeks, as it starts to fall off the wall, you might wish you had paid a bit more and gone with a bet­ter solid wall insu­la­tion installer!

A good solid wall insu­la­tion installer should take at least 5 days to fin­ish even a very small job once the dry­ing times have been taken into account. If they sug­gest they can fin­ish it over a week­end, be very cau­tious.

Using the right materials!

solid wall insulation installer

Lots of installers use PIR board­ing as the insu­lat­ing mate­r­ial, as costs are reduced, and they can offer a thin­ner result. We won’t touch PIR board (even though sup­pli­ers call us on a daily basis to use their prod­ucts) – the rea­son for this is that PIR boards shrink about 2% over the course of just a cou­ple of years. This can cause huge cracks to appear in the sys­tem and for it to sub­se­quently fail. If you are going to take one thing away from this blog it would be this – Don’t use PIR board for solid wall insu­la­tion!

Charging for waste material

One cost that an installer may unfairly pass onto a cus­tomer at the end of a job is the amount of waste that remains. Pro­fes­sional teams man­age mate­ri­als well, mean­ing that fewer amounts are required to be ordered ini­tially, thus cre­at­ing sav­ings that can be passed on. The stor­age of mate­ri­als is also impor­tant, pro­fes­sional installers will always keep the site clean and safe.

If you are inter­ested in see­ing what else sets us apart from other solid wall insu­la­tion installers, call us today! We install solid wall insu­la­tion across Lon­don and we are cer­ti­fied to install the insu­la­tion under PAS2030 (Green Deal and GDHIF).


We have teamed up with EWI Pro to help provide homeowners with an approved and recommended installer network across the UK. EWI Pro are one of the UK’s leading render manufacturers and our experiences with them have always been extremely positive. They have excellent technical support and a vast array of quality products. Their list of approved and recommended installers are specialists, so by choosing one of them to complete your project, you can be assured that the work and the materials installed on your property will be to the highest standard.

If you are looking for an approved or recommended EWI Pro installer, please send an inquiry by filling in your details on the form provided!.

    Unsure of what materials you require?

    Use our EWI solid wall insulation materials calculator to calculate exactly what materials you will need for a particular job.

    EWI Pro Training Academy

    We are delighted to announce we have partnered with the EWI Pro Training Academy in Aylesbury to bring you a series of professional installer training courses.

    We have 6 unique courses to choose from, each targeting a different area of the External Wall Insulation installation process.The training courses are completed over the course of a half-day or full day, and installers will receive an EWI Pro certificate upon completion.

    Why this programme?

    The EWI Pro Training courses are designed with an all-round approach to learning. You will be given the chance to learn about installing EWI systems through a mixture of classroom and practical, hands-on training.

    This programme also allows you to learn from experienced EWI professionals with years of industry experience. This way, you will leave the course equipped with the most relevant skills.

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